Rhetorical Responses & Associated Foolishness – Rant

I begin with sharing my rhetorical response to a super intelligent woman directly & completely associating love cum arranged marriages to dowry. Decided to put things in context for  her. So conveniently we all ignore our own flaws while we amplify those of others’. The caption of the photograph had her question.

What the F are #LoveCumArranged marriages?

And we all do believe that we are good, others’ are a problem. How often do we look straight into the mirror and make sense of what we see?

Being overtly appreciative of self & overtly critical of others’ is hypocrisy, just like being critical of oneself isn’t being negative.
Imbalance in one’s head leads to getting an imbalanced view of the world.
#Yin #Yang Someone please find me a Indian equivalent or this Chinese Yin-Yang apart from #Lingam #Yoni

People talk about looking at things with both eyes. I go further and ask people to open their 3rd eye – The Neutral One – and then form opinions & decisions.

If verbal masturbation doesn’t stop, intellectual masturbation is born – either by the person talking truckload of nonsense or by the one counter-arguing it. The non-receptive and the ones who already have biases do not pay heed to each other and remain disagreeable or insensitive. Hence such masturbation remains & ends as solo acts, rather than transforming into a fulfilling, satisfying ”sapio-sex”. It is so important to be open, accepting and accommodating in debates and arguments. More important is to not be sentimental about your biases or causes.

Hence, due to my ranting, this post may have no significance apart from the fact that it consumed one or two minute of yours. So move on from this, without liking, into your own private world of secrecy.

ps: I am generally convinced that rhetorical arguments have no elements of logics to them, they only look or sound good & are effective fooling techniques to the oblivious few who use it.

And this is how one can play down one’s own post; have a firm opinion, yet be grounded. Contradictorily, I actually flew a little here with this post. So thanks for bearing.

#Openness #Possibilities #Freedom #Life #Yin #Yan